The key to keeping a bright, healthy smile throughout treatment is to practice proper oral hygiene. Taking care of your teeth will be more difficult once you get braces. It’s very important to brush your teeth after every meal and snacks, to rinse with mouthwash, and to floss at least once a day. This is to avoid staining of the teeth and oral health problems caused by the build up of plaque.
Rinse and brush your retainer regularly. This helps remove plaque that can build up on the surface. You can use a regular toothbrush and toothpaste which is sufficient to clean your retainer.
You can also soak your retainer in a glass of water with baking soda, mild vinegar or denture tablets to the water. Never use bleach or alcohol-based mouthwash as these products can damage the plastic and potentially your mouth. Do not use boiling water on your retainer as it can warp the metal and melt the plastic.
If you don’t have to wear a retainer very often (for example, you only wear it every other night), store it in a container with sufficient airflow so it doesn’t breed mold and bacteria.
Certain foods can damage braces components like the rubber bands, wires, or even the bracket itself. Generally, avoid all foods that are sticky, hard, or chewy. Some of these foods include:
Try to avoid biting into hard foods with your front teeth. When possible, cut up these hard foods into smaller pieces: